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Daycare Terms & Conditions

The Dog House Services Limited

Day Care Terms and Conditions as at 16th April 2024



Thank you for trusting The Dog House Services Limited with your dog(s). We realise that we are in a privileged position and want to convey to you that we will do our very best to help you look after your dog. Our Terms and Conditions help us set out how we will engage with you and your dog, what you can expect from us and us from you. To ensure that this is done to the highest standard we ask that the following terms and conditions are adhered to for every appointment.
If you have any questions, then please ask. We are here to help you and we want to share our knowledge and experience to help you and your dog live the best possible life that you can. 
Customer Declaration
Dogs will be accepted for Day Care following signature of our Terms and Conditions. By signing, you are deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions, however, if you accept services from The Dog House Worcester Limited, you are deemed to have accepted the Terms and Conditions set our here, which are subject to change at any time.
Arriving for your appointment

It is important you turn up to your Day Care appointment at the time that you have booked. When making your booking request our staff will ask for a specific drop-off time.
We are open for Day Care between the hours of 07:30-08:15, 09:00-12:30 and 13:30-18:00 Monday to Friday and 08:30-12:30 and 13:30-17:30 on a Saturday. Drop off and collection times will be within these hours only and by appointment only. 
For those with appointments between 07:30 and 08:15, please ring to doorbell to the right of the Staff and Student Entrance.
Please note that the front door will be locked between 12:30-13:30 and again at 18:00. Please wait either by the window or in your car for your drop-off time.
No dogs will be admitted into Day Care between the times of 08:15-09:00 and 12:30-13:30. 
Please arrive on time for your appointment. If you are running late, we kindly ask that you notify us as soon as possible, so we can ensure a member of Day Care staff is available to greet you and your dog.
If a member of Day Care Staff is not available when you arrive, you will be required to wait until a Day Care staff member is available to bring your dog(s) into the centre. Grooming staff will not admit Day Care dogs.
In the interest of health and safety, we only have one person in the reception area dropping off or collecting dogs at any time policy, regardless of if you have a dog present with you or not. Please check through the window that the reception area is clear of clients/dogs before you enter. When it is clear to proceed, please ensure you close the door behind you. Thank you for your co-operation.

 In the interest of animal safety, please ensure you dog is always kept on a lead, including in the Car Park. 
It is important you turn up to collect your dog(s) at the scheduled time that you have booked. When making your booking request to our staff will ask for a specific collection time. Collection is by appointment only.
All customers must collect their dog from Reception unless agreed otherwise.
In the interest of health and safety, we have one person in the reception area dropping off or collecting dogs at one time, regardless of if you have a dog present with you or not. Please check through the window that the reception area is clear of customers/dogs before you enter. When it is clear to proceed, please ensure you close the door behind you. Thank you for your co-operation.
If we have agreed to bring your dog to the Staff and Student Entrance, please meet staff at the door for collection.
Where owners are not collecting their dogs, but a family member or friend is, a mutually agreed password is required to collect your dog. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure the collecting individual is aware of the password prior to the event.
Late collection

Late collection of dogs will result in a late collection charge of £5.00 per hour or part thereof.
Early Collections 

We fully understand that sometimes you will want to collect your dog earlier than booked. We can accommodate this, but please text us on 07866 574901 prior to arrival.
If a member of Day Care Staff is not available when you arrive, you will be required to wait until a Day Care staff member is available to return your dog(s) to you. Grooming staff do not return Day Care dogs to their owner. Time or costs remaining from booked appointments because of early collection are non-refundable and non-transferable.

We do not issue refunds for Day Care bookings. If you are unable to keep a pre-arranged booking, we will offer you the opportunity to transfer your booking to another date.

In the rare case that a refund must be issued, this will incur a 15% admin fee.
Cancellations and No-Shows

If you no longer require day care on your booked appointment day, please let us know no later than 16:00 on the previous working day.
Day care bookings not cancelled within the requested time frame are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Customer Behaviour

We will not tolerate abusive, threatening or harassing behaviour, either verbal or physical towards our staff members. If you are deemed to be behaving inappropriately, you will be asked to leave the premises and withdrawn from all services offered by The Dog House Services Limited. Inappropriate behaviour may be reported to the Police.
General Expectations 

​We reserve the right to refuse or dismiss from day care any dog that presents a risk of injury to itself or our staff or has become too difficult to manage. This includes, but is not limited to, behaviour, health, level of training, weight, or size.
Dogs in our care are closely monitored and we will discuss any changes in your dog’s behaviour or health with you. 
It is your responsibility to inform The Dog House of any changes to your dog’s behaviour, temperament, and medical status, which may result in your dog presenting a risk of injury to itself or staff, or becoming too difficult to manage. 
Failure to inform The Dog House Worcester of such changes will result in the owner being withdrawn as a customer at The Dog House Worcester with immediate effect.
Suitability of Dogs

If at any point in time The Dog House Worcester deems your dog(s) no longer suitable for our Day Care service, we fully reserve the right to cancel any future bookings and ask you to collect your dog as soon as practicably possible. 
Day Care Assessment

Prior to being accepted into Day Care, all dogs must attend a free-of-charge Day Care Assessment with our staff to discuss your requirements. Following a successful Assessment, all dogs must proceed through a series of Day Care Trials (see below).

 We reserve the right to request reassessment of any dogs who have previously used our services but has not attended for a period of time. No Day Care appointments will take place until this Assessment has taken place. 
Settling In Package

Following a successful Day Care Assessment, dogs must attend a series of Day Care Settling In sessions to accustom them to the environment and staff. We require a minimum of one month between the booked Day Care Assessment and the date you wish your dog to attend Day Care assessment to facilitate this settling in period. Puppies, young dogs, and dogs with temperament concerns may take longer to settle in, and we reserve the right to adapt this trial package according to your individual dog’s needs, which may incur additional costs. 
You agree that The Dog House Worcester reserves the right to make changes to the offered Day Care Settling In package in reflection of your dog’s individual needs, which may incur additional costs.
The Dog House Worcester reserves the right to discontinue any Settling In package where it is deemed not in the interests of the dog or The Dog House Worcester.
Day Care Settling in Sessions are offered in accordance with staff availability.

We allow dogs of all ages to our Day Care facility. Any dog must be two weeks post second primary vaccination course to begin the Day Care Assessment process.

All dogs must be castrated/spayed when they are at the breed specific age for sexual maturity. If your dog is not castrated/spayed, please discuss this with us as we may still be able to accept them but only under certain circumstances determined by our Licence. 
Females in Heat

Females in heat will be accepted at the discretion of the Director. If your female has come into season, we kindly ask that you discuss this with us prior to bringing her to the building to confirm if attendance is acceptable. Females in heat brought to the centre without prior discussion will be refused entry and the booking will be non-transferable and non-refundable.

Owners must provide proof of current vaccinations or a valid titre test result on an annual basis. Current vaccinations include:
·        canine parvovirus
·        canine distemper
·        infectious canine hepatitis (adenovirus)
·        leptospirosis
·        other relevant diseases

Vaccination against other diseases such as kennel cough (Bordetella bronchiseptica or canine parainfluenza virus) may be required.

A vet certificate of a recent protective titre test may be accepted instead of a booster vaccination. The certificate must state that it is valid for the current period. It is up to the licence holder whether to accept such a certificate.

Primary vaccination courses must be completed at least 2 weeks before acceptance into day care.

Vaccines used must be licensed for use in the UK. Homeopathic vaccination is not acceptable.

We will request up to date vaccination evidence annually. Where evidence has not been provided day care services will be withdrawn. 
Leads and Collars

All dogs enter or exit The Dog House on their own collars, leads or harnesses. Whilst present at The Dog House Worcester, all dogs will wear a collar with the centre name and contact details on.
Dogs do not wear a collar, lead, harness or alternative whilst housed within individual rooms. Owners are responsible for ensuring all collars, leads, harnesses and alternatives are removeable.

A full bladder and bowel can be very uncomfortable for a dog. Please ensure that your pet has been toileted before bringing him or her to The Dog House Worcester.
If you dog defecates on the premises, including in Reception and in the Car Park, please double bag all waste and dispose of it in the allocated bin outside our Salon. 
Dogs who are not yet toilet trained may have their home toilet training routine disrupted for which The Dog House Worcester holds no responsibility.

All dogs must be in good health to be admitted to our Day Care services. Unwell dogs will not be permitted into the building under any circumstances, and we kindly ask that you discuss any issues of ill health with us prior to bringing your dog to the building, to confirm if attendance is acceptable. Unwell dogs brought to the centre without prior discussion will be refused entry and the booking will be non-transferable and non-refundable.
If we query your dog’s health please do not be insulted by our questioning, we are merely looking out for your dog’s best interests and the health of all of our other dogs, customers and staff. We may require veterinary certification that your dog is fit and well enough to withstand attending our Dog Care prior to admittance, for which you are responsible for all associated costs.

 In the unlikely event a dog is identified as being unwell whilst at The Dog House Worcester, the dog will be placed into isolation and must be collected by the owner or a responsible person(s) immediately. Owners or responsible persons must ensure they are contactable whilst their dog is with us. 
Dogs attending our Centre may show no signs of illness but may be a carrier of a contagious disease. If your dog is likely to pick up a contagious disease from other dogs attending our Centre, we will advise you of the same. All costs in connection with disease, including vet expenses and associated costs, shall be at the owner’s expense. By signing these Terms and Conditions you release The Dog House Worcester of all associated responsibilities and costs.
You accept that by sending your dog to The Dog House Worcester, an increased risk of disease transmission may occur, particularly where an incubation period is present, due to the high volume of dog frequenting the property and you The Dog House Worcester of any associated liability and costs.
Vomiting and Diarrhoea

If your dog has been suffering with vomiting, loose stools and diarrhoea, please do not bring them to their The Dog House Worcester. Please contact us to let us know and ensure you dog has been clear for 48 hours before bringing him or her in. 
Coughing and Sneezing

If your dog has been coughing or sneezing, please do not bring them to their appointment. Please ring us to let us know and ensure you dog has been clear for 5 days before bringing him or her in. 
Emergency Medical Issues

Our first concern is for the welfare of your dog so in the event of injury or illness we may take your dog directly to the vets. Our vets are MacArthur Barstow and Gibbs.
If your dog requires medical treatment whilst in our care, we reserve the right to take your animal to our preferred vet. If the care is required because of owner neglect or failure to disclose current conditions, you will be required to pay the charge for this treatment. Unless it can be clearly shown that we are liable, all costs in connection with this visit to the Vets, shall be at the owner’s expense.
We will make every effort to contact you if medical treatment is required however if it is urgent, we will go ahead without verbal consent. Signing of these Terms and Conditions is classed as consent for treatments should it be required.
Administering Medication 

If your dog is taking any medication we can, with your written consent via disclaimer, administer this whilst your dog is in our care. All medication should be labelled with a veterinary sticker to include the dog’s name, medication name, dosage and frequency. 

If your dog has a parasitic infection, please treat them before booking and ensure they are no longer present. We will not treat a dog with a parasite infestation and reserve the right to refuse or terminate service of any dogs with a parasitic infestation. Dogs found to be carrying parasites will incur a surcharge to accommodate the deep clean required to cleanse and sanitise the centre and will require immediate collection.
Food for your dog 

At Day Care Assessment feeding regimes will have been discussed and forward planned. If The Dog House Worcester is to be responsible for feeding your dog, then please bring it in disposable packaging and ensure your food is clearly labelled with your dog(s) name and your surname, and instructions for feeding.
Certain breeds, such as those with deep chests, are prone to bloat and will not be fed one hour before exercise or one hour after exercise. Water intake has also been associated with GVD, and subsequently water access may be restricted during these times. 
We do not “free feed” your dog, as this can cause problems for other dogs worrying after their food. Dogs will be fed at times mutually agreed by the owner or responsible person, and The Dog House Worcester. ​
We do not return uneaten food to the owner at the end of the day for hygiene reasons.

Your dog will always have free access to clean water. 
Play and Rest 

Your dog will be exercised and allowed to interact/play with and/or engage with other dogs of a suitable size and temperament. We will not allow your dogs to engage with other dogs if we perceive there is a risk to welfare, or a risk of aggression, over excitement or rough play. 
Your dog will receive regular breaks during his/her time with us. We operate a policy of not over stimulating dogs as we believe that this can create a demanding and overactive animal. Dogs in our care are closely monitored and we will discuss any changes in your dog’s behaviour with you. 
We confirm that your dog will only be allowed “free play” with dogs that we have deemed suitable. You accept that whilst your dog may normally play with a “friend” in the park/outside of our care, that if we deem that “friend” unsuitable, he/she will not be allowed free play with the same “friend” whilst in our care. 
What to bring with your dog

We request you to bring your dogs bed with them as having familiar bedding will help him/her settle into our Centre. 
We accept no responsibility for damage to items when your dog is in our care. 

As part of the daily activities that your dog will engage with at The Dog House Worcester, you agree to your dog receiving treats as rewards for following our commands (sit, stay etc) and as enrichment. These treated are branded Fish for Dogs kibble. By signing this form, you, the owner, or responsible person, agree that your dog can receive these treats. If you do not wish for your dog(s) to receive treat at The Dog House Worcester, it is your responsibility to opt out by informing us in writing to

The Dog House Worcester is not responsible for any injury or illness your dog may acquire when attending our Day Care services.
You agree to pay all vets fees associated with any injury or illness arising whilst your dog is in attendance at The Dog House Worcester. If your dog requires veterinary treatment whilst in our care, we will charge a fee of £25 for taking your dog to the vet. 
By signing this form, you agree to your dog being cared for by The Dog House Worcester. 
If your dog is chewing objects, or attempting to jump out of their room, we will reserve the right to move him/her and place him/her in a safer environment and reassess their access to Day Care at The Dog House Worcester.
GDPR (Data Protection)

Your dog may be photographed or videoed whilst in attendance at our Day Care. These images and videos may be used for our website, social media, and for use in our reception area. By signing, you agree for your dog’s pictures or videos being used for such purposes. 
The Dog House Worcester keeps detailed records of all dogs activities and responsible staff. Client data will be treated in accordance with the data protection principles of the Data Protection Act and will not be shared with 3rd parties.
CCTV is in constant operation within The Dog House Worcester, and we occasionally record telephone calls to review customer service, or as supporting evidence. By signing these Terms and Conditions, you agree to images and audio to be recorded of yourself. 
We operate a password protected online photo and video service called Padlet, to inform you of your dog(s) activities in our Day Care. This is a shared platform and subsequently photographs and videos are viewable by all Day Care customers. If you do not wish for photographs or videos of your dogs to be viewed by other customers, it is your responsibility to opt out by informing us in writing to

Any complaints must be received in writing to within 48 hours of your booking. Complaints will be responded to within 72 hours in writing by the Centre Lead. Complaints made after 48 hours will not be investigated.
Day Care bookings are only confirmed once payment has been received. All payments must be made by the Invoice due date. Bookings not paid for by this time will be automatically cancelled. Owners or responsible individuals who attend The Dog House Worcester without payment having been received will not be admitted to the service.
The Dog House Worcester invoices customers for Day Care bookings. Payment can be made via Savvy Pay (at the base of the Invoice), cash or card. We do not accept bank transfer as a method of payment.
In order to give you and your dogs the best service possible, it is very important that we plan ahead. We will process appointment requests for the by 16:00 each working day. For example, if you wish to book on a Monday, you must contact us by 16:00 on Friday. Any appointment requests made after this time will not be processed until the next working day. 
We are closed on Sundays, all bank holidays, and occasionally during the week. Day Care booking requests should be made by 16:00 pm on the nearest working day to your requested date. 
Please only attend once you have received confirmation that payment has been received for your requested booking. Day Care bookings are only confirmed once payment has been received.
Hold Harmless Agreement

By using our services you agree to hold The Dog House Services Limited, its owners, employees and directors harmless from any damage, loss, or claim arising from any condition of the dog, either known or unknown to us. It is also further understood and agreed the terms of this agreement can change at any time, without notice, and will overwrite any and all prior signed contracts or releases. It is further understood this clause applies to any and all dogs.

The Dog House Daycare
& Your Dog

At The Dog House, we do daycare differently!


The Dog House Doggie Daycare brings together years of experience and listens to what dogs really need. 

At The Dog House, we focus on the individual dog to find out what is right for them. 

Yes, hands up, our daycare is NOT right for every single dog. For those bigger dogs and those who are high energy, then sorry, we will help you look elsewhere to find a daycare that’s right for you. 


Which dogs are we right for? 

Well, let’s explore The Dog House doggie daycare to find out… 

Dawn, the owner of The Dog House used to work from alongside her home in Fernhill Heath offering grooming services. Dawn was constantly asked “can you have Benji all day for me whilst I go out” Unfortunately, Dawn didn’t have space until the business moved to 86H Blackpole, in 2017. 

With the move came the development of many new services, doggie daycare being the main one. Dawn is an international dog show judge, dog breeder, and exhibitor and has over 40 years of living with and being owned by dogs, particularly Cairn Terriers. 


Now, anyone who owns a Terrier will know they are bred to chase, and I am sorry to say, terriers are bred to kill rats, mice, and basically anything that moves! 

When it came to setting up the daycare service Dawn’s experience led her to a different kind of daycare… 

  • A daycare based on the individual dog 

  • a daycare based on caring for each dog's needs 

  • a daycare based on providing a one-to-one service 

  • a daycare based on routine so all the dogs know what is happening and when 

Most daycare centers have big group play areas where as many as 70 dogs all play together. The mere thought of this was too disturbing for Dawn; her terriers would have an absolute party chasing all the small fluffy dogs and no doubt terrorizing a few of the larger ones too! 


Working with Dr. Isla Fishburn, one of the UK’s leading alternative dog behaviourists, Dawn set up The Dog House Daycare based on one-to-one care. 

Dawn was also mentored by Beverley Courtney, another leading canine behaviourist who has written several books about dealing with everyday dog issues. 

Together with her own experience and advice gained from Isla and Beverley, Dawn “bucked the trend” and set up The Dog House daycare based on the principle of “give each dog their own space” 


Having their own space gives each dog the chance to choose what they want to do and gives those more nervous or young dogs the space to express themselves without having to tolerate the demands of other dogs who might want to play or be in their space. 


Things were very slow to start with only one dog joining us. This dog was Daisy. Daisy was displaying major issues with aggressive behaviour and had been labeled as “trouble” by her then daycare owners. Daisy’s Vet and another Behaviourist advised Daisey’s owners to find an alternative daycare. 


We don’t always see the world from our dog’s perspective but when we do, we can dramatically change our views and opinions, therefore dealing with our dog’s behaviour in a completely different way… Dawn Inett 2020 


Let’s talk about Daisy, this dog was labeled as being disruptive and aggressive. Daisy would attack dogs and walks were becoming almost impossible as Daisy would lurch and scream at any dog that she saw. 

Luckily for Daisy, her owners came to our Opening Day back in 2017. Forms were completed, assessments are undertaken, and Daisy joined us for a couple of days each week. 

After about 3 wks Daisy’s owners reported a change; they could see that Daisy was more settled, more social, and happier. Yes, these are applying human traits to a dog, but they genuinely believed that Daisy was changing for the better. 

After 3 months Daisy’s owners reported a massive change in her behaviour, she was no longer aggressive out on walks, she was more settled of an evening and was even happy to play with other dogs, no lurching and screaming now. 

Why did this change happen? 

Why was Daisy now happier and more settled? 

One simple thing made all the difference to Daisy, she had space. 

Daisy had her own room. 

Daisy was allowed to express herself in her own space. 

Daisy was allowed to sleep 

Daisy received care and walks from our experienced team in a safe environment with no other dogs around her. 

Daisy now felt safe and unthreatened 


We do daycare differently at The Dog House and we do it differently for a reason. 

Dogs need space to express themselves 

Dogs need a routine to thrive 

And dogs need at least 14 hours of sleep a day! 

We believe we have experienced, and we have been taught by our mentors that dogs thrive when they have space, routine and are allowed to sleep and relax. 


Our one-to-one daily routine ensures that your dog will receive 

  • At least 3 outings each day (between 08:30 and 17:30) 

  • Meaning your dog gets plenty of exercise in a safe and controlled manner 

  • will be “partnered” with playmates to have an off-lead play session/s 

  • receive plenty of one-to-one attention from our experienced team 

  • have treats throughout the day (specific dietary requirements catered for) 

  • have a quiet time for guaranteed rest and recuperation 

  • safe socialisation situations for your dogs (no being bowled over in the park or off lead owners telling you “he will be fine” only to find their dog intimidates your dog/puppy) 


At The Dog House, your dog will have his or her own space 

At The Dog House, your dog will have downtime to snooze or sleep. 

At The Dog House, your dog will be attended to regularly by our team and most importantly they will be treated as if they are our own dogs. 


For more information and a guided tour of our daycare please attend our open day and Christmas Fayre on 5th December. We look forward to taking you around our facility, sharing with you our experience, and helping you to look after your dog. 


References - More about Dr. Isla Fishburn 

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